Improving the Performance of Sequential Programs with Multithreaded Data Structure

Aaron Anderson (aaanders) and Justus Hibshman (jhibshma)

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Summary of Present Work Completed

Thus far, we have done several things: Created a simple testing harness to generate trace files and time our code. Created the base parallel data structure, and began work on the sub-structures used by the main one. For a tree, we have implemented a (still slightly buggy) red-black tree with the added functionality of being able to lookup by the index of an element as opposed to its value. Also, we have implemented several versions of a sorted array-like structure, one with c++ standard vectors and others with arrays.

The basic parallel structure uses a lock-free work queue, so that inserts and deletes may be performed at a later time by the extra thread. Then, when a lookup is performed, the main structure uses the fastest available up-to-date structure (and suspends if none are up-to-date).

With the array-based structure, we have begun working on a version that takes advantage of the fact that it does not always need to be up-to-date, saving up operations and then performing them in a batch. The jury is out as to the usefulness of this method.

Preliminary Results

We are still working out bugs in the underlying data structures, so it is difficult to tell at this stage how successful this approach will be. The current data structure is roughly 4x slower than a standard red-black tree on small trace files, so our target will be at least an equivalent speedup. In the long term, we will be running on much larger trace files, and expect the benefits of the parallelized data structure to outweigh the associated overhead.

Goals and Deliverables

Our main goal is twofold: to make this parallelized data structure useful, but also to find out the conditions under which such an approach would be most useful. We doubt we will be able to reach the “ultimate goal” of O(1) time for all operations, but still desire to show a noticeable speedup. We intend to show facts and figures at the parallelization competition.


Some preliminary testing of an array structure with batched inserts proved worse rather than better compared to a similar structure. We have yet to ascertain the reason. Overhead costs may be too big a factor. Currently, an implementation based on the C++ std::vector is much faster than our other array versions (perhaps sticking with the vector, already highly optimized code, will prove worthwhile, but it seems like it should be possible to make a version which makes better use of the parallelism.)

As much as anything, time is a big concern: having time enough to test thoroughly and respond to tests, figuring out what works well and what doesn’t.

Updated Schedule

DATE Justus Aaron
April 22 Integrate use of trees into main structure. Fix bugs in Red Black tree implementation.
April 26 Test, test, and test again. Acquire a sense of direction for optimization. Improve trace framework for more rigorous testing.
April 29 Optimize and test. Identify major bottlenecks.
May 3 Continue optimizing. Help Justus optimize.
May 6 Prepare presentation. Tie up loose ends, prepare presentation.